Date join UTHSC
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Institutional Research & Educational Technology,
Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs
Co-Director Biomedical Informatics Unit, UT CTSI
Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine
MEMPHIS TN 38163-0000
(901) 448-4930
chanchai@uthsc.edu http://www.utmem.edu/academicaffairs/edtech_mission.php Area of teaching/Subject
Educational Technology, Institutional Research, and Biomedical Informatics.
Area of Teaching:
How to designs and develops interactive web-based applications that provide user-specific information for young scientists, investigators, and communities.
How to design and develop educational technology tools, primarily using the Web-base application, for effectively recruiting young scientists.
How to investigated the effects of using an organizational learning strategy during web-based instructional design.
Research Interest/Specialty
Translational Science, Biomedical Informatics, Healthcare Informatics, Healthcare Informatics, Educational Technology, and Institutional Research.
Design, develop, and evaluate functions in biomedical informatics database web-accessible tool and the design of user interface.
Study the effective instructional system design, learning strategies, and educational technology model for teaching and learning.
Research Keywords
Healthcare Informatics, Biomedical Informatics, Bioinformatics, Clinical Translational Science, Medical Informatics. Clinical Trial Research, Educational Technology, Learning and Instruction, Curriculum and instruction Educational Research. Cooperative learning, Learning Control, Meta-cognitive learning
Teeradache Viangteeravat, Ian Brooks, Somchan Vuthipadadon, Eunice Huang, Ebony Smith, Ramin Homayouni, and Chanchai McDonald. Slim-Prim: an integrated data system for clinical and translational research. BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10:A11 (Suppl 7), doi:10.118, 2009.
Viangteeravat, T., Brooks, I., Furlotte, N., Vuthipadadon, S., Ketcherside, W., Homayouni, R., McDonald, C. Biomedical Informatics Unit (BMIU): Slim-Prim system bridges the gap between laboratory discovery and practice. Clinical and Translational Science, 2 (3), 238-241, 2009.
Viangteeravat, T., Brooks,I.M., Smith, E., Furlotte, N., Vuthipadadon, S. Reynolds, R. & C.S. McDonald. Slim-Prim: A Biomedical Informatics Database to Promote Translational Research. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 6:6, May 8, 2009.
McDonald, C., Kulkarni, A., and Viangteravat, T. Scientific Laboratory Information Management System: Tissue Bank. BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9(Suppl 7):P5doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-S7-P5, 2008.
McDonald, C. & McDonald, M. Web-base Instructional Design (WEB-BID) Enhances Education and Training in the Biomedical Sciences. In D. Lassner & C. McNaught (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, VA: AACE (Chesapeake), 2456-2459, 2003.
McDonald, C. & Chalkley, R.. Web-based Interactive Environments in Biomedical Research Education and Training. In D. Lassner & C. McNaught (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2003, VA: AACE (Chesapeake), 874-875, 2003.
McDonald, C. & Relan, A. Enhancing Metacognitive Skills through Cooperative Learning in a Scientific Concept-Learning Task using Hypermedia.. In D. Lassner & C. McNaught (Eds.), VA: AACE (Chesapeake), 1160-1167, 2003.
McDonald C, Relan A. Enhancing Metacognitive Skills through Cooperative Learning in a Scientific Concept-Learning Task using Hypermedia.. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, 1, 1160-1167, 2003.
McDonald, C. & Chalkley, R.. Educational Technology: Biomedical Research Education & Training Web-Based Applications, Management, and Delivery. cbms, p. 0503, 14th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CMBS'01), 0503, 2001.
McDonald C, Chalkley R. Biomedical Research Education & Training Web- Based Applications, Management, and Delivery. Proceedings of the Slice of Life 2001 & Computers in Healthcare Symposium, (Multimedia in Health Sciences Education), 207-216, 2001.
Singhanayok, C. & Hooper, S.. The effects of cooperative learning and learner control on students' achievement, option selections, and attitudes. Educational Technology Research and Development, 46 (2), 17-36, 1998.
Temiyakarn, C. Using the Internet for educational purposes. Journal of the Chiangmai University Demonstration School, 1, 50-53, 1995.
Robbins, BL, Rodman, J, McDonald, C, Srinivas, RV, Flynn, PM, Fridland, A. Enzymatic assay for measurement of zidovudine triphosphate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 38 (1), 115-21, 1994.
Hooper, S., Temiyakarn, C., & Williams, M. D.. The effects of cooperative learning and learner control on high- and average-ability students. Educational Technology Research and Development, 41 (2), 5-18, 1993.
Temiyakarn, C. & Hooper, S.. The effects of cooperative learning and learner control on high and low achievers. ERIC Document System No. ED362208, 1021-1038, 1993.