RCU Home-Coming Night 2007
อ้างจาก: "khesorn mueller"
allright...I am glad to see her.
but who is"he"at the last sentence??
I mean "She" but I was too fast typing. Then S diappeared.
It was Lek Pawadee.
khesorn mueller:
I think i will be tired today after the whole day long on the way...the schiefer mine was somewhere behind the hill!!near Mercedez factory in Zuzenhausen...we passed the Daimler stadion,mercedez museum,passing by the Wilhelma zoo...a lot of people on the way today...
But fresh cold,cold air never freeze my brain...in opposite...I am top fit like a needle!!
You should go to bed soon naa
:D :D Dear N' Aeh Prapasri, please call me soonest about your interest to give interview on FM105 or Wisdom Radio, so that we can discuss in details.
:D :D Continued: I infact have typed my email twice but somehow it all disappeared. So, I have to try again.
I would like to in form our ChaoHor that tomorrow, Saturday 3rd November at 9.00 a.m., Khun Kiatsom Klinsuwan, who is my Rhatsat friend and also a SingHor ( with permission from Arjarn Prayoon Anusasok then), will interview Khun Tavorn Chotechuen at FM 105 or Wisdom Radio for an hour in "Thai Citizen Model" program.
And on Sunday 4th, starting from 10.00 a.m., instead of 10.40, I myself will be giving an interview to Khun Kiatsom in his " Tong Loke Rien Tor" or "Touring the world for continued higher Education" program, for 20 minutes. He will ask me about about the meaning of Cmadong and ChaoHor activities. I will take this opportunity to PR our Homecoming day 90 years Cmadong, too. As for the second part from 10.40-11.00 a.m. I will let Khun Aeh to talk with Khun Kiatsom about life of ChaoHor Ying or lady Cmadongs or anything about ChaoHor. So, please inform Aeh to call me at 081-9218129 tomorrow, I will be most thankful.
For those who want to know how these two programmes look like, you can take a look and listen to the previous programmes in www.wisdom.105.com :idea:
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